Conversations That Matter
In 2020 I started the What Would Amber Do? Podcast. My intention was to create a platform where I could highlight awesome entrepreneurs doing great work in the world and also position myself as a thought leader. As with most things in life, they evolve and so have I. As I continued interviewing incredible people I realized it had become less about my thoughts, and more about facilitating extraordinary conversations about the things that matter to my guests, and beyond them for the world. So I am changing things up! On the Conversations That Matter show I will be interviewing awesome human beings about the things that matter to them, in the hopes that by sharing these conversations we will make a difference for others. If you or someone you know is interested in being a guest on the show reach out to info@amberhowardinc.com.
Podcasting since 2020 • 109 episodes
Conversations That Matter
Latest Episodes
Episode 110- Conquering Silent Struggles Through Educational Advocacy with Katie Selby
Ever imagined turning your deepest struggles into a beacon of hope for others? Katie Shelby, a paraeducator and a warrior who transformed her narrative from silence to advocacy, joins me to share how she conquered language impairment and learni...
Season 5
Episode 7
Episode 109 - Triumphs of the Human Spirit with Lisa Jo Barr
When life throws curveballs, some strike out, while others, like Lisa Jo Barr, knock it out of the park. Her incredible saga unfolds in our latest episode, riveting listeners with tales of surviving domestic violence and addiction, and transfor...
Season 5
Episode 6
Episode 108 - Fostering Resilience in Teens with Keri Cooper
Have you ever wondered how intertwining nourishment, rest, and movement can profoundly shape adolescent minds? This week, we sit down with Keri Cooper, a holistic psychotherapist with a treasure trove of insights into the layered world of teen ...
Season 5
Episode 5
Episode 107- Breaking Free from the Bonds of Trauma with Stephany Ann
Have you ever witnessed a phoenix rising from the ashes? Stephany Ann personifies that rebirth, a warrior who emerged stronger from the fires of adversity. Her odyssey from enduring domestic violence and personal tragedies to becoming an attorn...
Season 5
Episode 4
Episode 106 - The Dance of Authenticity with Sapha Heckman
Sapha Heakman, the radiant force behind Your Soulful Goddess, joins me on a journey that's as transformative as it is enlightening. Weaving through Sapha's past struggles with an eating disorder, we uncover how she blossomed into a guiding ligh...
Season 5
Episode 3