Conversations That Matter
Conversations That Matter
Episode 101 - Energetic Healing and Authentic Living with Tom and Janette Burns
For all those who've been seeking an oasis of calm amid the chaos of life, you will want to grab a seat for this one. We're turning the spotlight on the amazing Tom Burns and Janette O'Neill Burns, founders of Energetic Armor and highly accomplished energy healers who have actualized their transformation into a movement for societal change. They share the unique journey that led them to the world of energy healing and how the pandemic became a catalyst for their spiritual awakening.
Our conversation meanders through the mystical world of energy work and the profound art of seeking stillness, the cornerstone of tapping into our innate wisdom. We explore ancient wisdom, cultural perceptions of death, and the importance of living a life that’s true to who we are. We also discuss the concept of 5D living and the global phenomenon of collective numbing, emphasizing the importance of maintaining a genuine connection with our true selves and the energies around us.
Finally, we challenge the societal obsession with progress. Can one find fulfillment in the present moment, without being constantly pulled towards the future? Tom and Janette share wisdom about the art of 'remembering' and how to find joy in the present. This enlightening conversation wraps up with a discussion about authenticity, its power to inspire others, and how it ties into Janette’s new birth course and Tom’s return to music. Get comfortable, let the world pause, and join us in this transformative conversation.
Connect with Janette and Tom at the following links:
Company: Energetic Armour
Website: EnergeticArmour.com
Email: jupitermeridianshop@gmail.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/janetteoneillburns/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/energeticandspiritualawakeningcommunity/?ref=share_group_link
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@energeticarmour
Book: https://platinumlighthealing.com/energetic-armour/
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Welcome to Conversations that Matter with your host, amber Howard. Each week, amber dances, in conversation with inspirational leaders, out to make a difference for what matters most to people. She brings you incredible guests who share their real life experience of being a leader and what it looks like to live a truly created life of service to others. And now here's your host.
Speaker 2:Welcome back everyone. Welcome back to Conversations that Matter. This morning on the show, I am super pumped, excited, happy, joyful to have Tom Burns and Jeanette O'Neill Burns on the show. They are the creative forces behind energetic armor. Tom is a Reiki master, energy healer, life coach and creator of the course energetic armor, which we're going to talk about this morning. Jeanette a multifaceted leader and healer in her own right. She also creates custom energetic armor and leads a community of women and is a birth doula. A small thought four years ago led to a beautiful partnership between these two human beings, grounded in their commitment that spiritual awakening starts at home. They are out to raise awareness and empower the next generation to understand their own energy systems and emotional and self-regulation. They create magic around them and lead life from their soul. Jeanette and Tom, thank you so much for being on the show today.
Speaker 3:Wow Thanks for having us. I don't know what to say after that that was just a big smack with a fry pan of beauty. Thank you, that was very nice.
Speaker 2:We've been like planning this forever right and we hope to have you, Jeanette. For those of you who've listened to the show and its variations, I think you were on what Amber did before I kind of changed the brand to Conversations that Matter. I mean, that was a conversation that mattered too. So Jeanette's been on the show before. Jeanette is one of the people who came into my life through COVID and being online and meeting people, and then we've been like you know, Jeanette talks so highly of you, Tom, and so I'm like, oh, we've got to have this conversation and I want to talk to the both of you and like what's going on?
Speaker 2:And then it just didn't happen and it didn't happen. And now it's happening and I'm so pumped and happy to have you here.
Speaker 3:Thank you so much for having us. Yeah, we're very, I'm very appreciative for being here and meeting you in person in the flesh on a box.
Speaker 2:Yes, great timing In the flesh on a box, really good. So we always start with how did you get here today and I kind of alluded to it a little bit, a thought that you had four years ago I believe it was Jeanette, but talk to me a little bit about and what was the journey that the both of you've gone on to get to where you are in life today?
Speaker 4:Well, four years ago, the thought that I had was I just want to work part time and raise my family. So we have four children and our youngest was born four years ago. So that was the thought that led us and, as it progressed, we I mean I had to go online with being a birth doula. That was very interesting. And then what had happened is I did that, I set out and I really was working part time and making a full time income, which was really incredible.
Speaker 4:That year and in a midst that, there was something that was happening for Tom and I that we didn't even realize. We were the opposite. In COVID we didn't start drinking, we actually quit drinking, became vegetarian and started meditating and just being in nature and being with our kids. Right, that was the beginning of it. And in this little part time job that I was at, there was a guy that said oh, you're a light worker, aren't you? And I was like what's a light worker? Do you think I'm a medium, or you think I see lights or something?
Speaker 4:You know a doctor, dead people? And he was like no, no, no, you just go look it up, you'll know what I mean. And then that's what led us to going to see a healer, and this healer that he recommended kind of popped us wide open on top of all of the other things that were happening for us, like quitting drinking and meditating and becoming vegetarian. So yeah, that was the spiral. That thought led us to where we are now. I guess you know, four years later, entrepreneurs and healers in our own way, right.
Speaker 3:I'm going to back that up a little bit because I feel like the pandemic and four years ago and all that stuff that happened was kind of a precursor to how we already felt about life. What I mean by that is like I spent my entire life knowing there was more, but living in a lovely blue collar town but not a whole lot of mindset work, not a whole lot of expansion, not a whole lot of progress. Spiritually, things were very rigid, things were very specific to systems, and there's nothing wrong with systems because you can find truth, you can find the things that empower you and make you feel aligned in systems, but oftentimes they can be suppressive. And for me, being a very creative person, my entire life being a musician and seeing you know, instead of looking down at books and learning, I was looking at the window day, dreaming that you know that type of person. And you know I did all of the right things according to the societal status quo. You know, got all my secondary education after high school, went into the careers multiple careers, went into teaching, blah, blah, blah.
Speaker 3:I did all the stuff that's supposed to make you feel and look and appear to be successful and all of that was very wrong for me internally so I suppressed that. You know, like Jeanette mentioned with alcohol, you know I wasn't. You know I like to drink, but I don't know if I'd call myself problematic in that sense. But in retrospect it was like it was my crutch and I needed that crutch just to get through for years and years and years. And it wasn't until I mentioned that we had the little ones that I realized like certain things have to change. But the universe or the way the world was didn't provide that opening or my mind didn't allow myself to even see an opening. And then finally the pandemic happened and we enjoyed ourselves for one month and said we can't do that again. You know we. Maybe this pandemic, which isn't one month, is going to last 12 or you know, 18, who knows. So let's make some better choices.
Speaker 3:And with those choices everything cracked wide open, every single thing cracked wide open and all those things I believed and knew about myself I was allowed to look at and examine and then believe in, and then putting those things into practice, like displayed it all out and allowed me to say this is legit, like who I've always thought myself to be is true to the bone, and instead of pretending that this is just a fairy tale or that it's we were, people are going to judge me, or you know? I just said I'm going after it and the going after it isn't. You know.
Speaker 3:We talked a little bit earlier about the mountain tops. I was always riding on that mountain top and being like I made it to Everest. It's been, you know, these peaks and valleys and, and what's changed is my faith that, even when things are the lowest of lowest because it's going to happen and it's okay that it happens that the faith just overrides it and that I still get through life in a much more productive, much more connected, much more balanced way than I did previous to those four years.
Speaker 2:That's beautiful. You know. I don't know how much you know about me, tom, but my purpose on this planet is that every human gets to lead a creative life of their own design, based on what they authentically want. And what you're talking about is exactly that right, like a world where people don't have to weigh a cup in their 40s and 50s and look around their life and go how did I get here? Right, because it's just been so unconscious and just doing what you know, creating a life based on other people's measurements for success and happiness. Right, and so hearing you talk about your journey to get to today and you know, it's just super beautiful to me because it reminds me that, yes, like when people are looking and like even being able, because when we're kids I mean, you've got young children mine are all older now, but you know they have no problem answering the question, what do I want? And being very vocal in their attempts to get what they want right, and almost being like what do you mean, I don't get to have what I want? Like for very young children, they just can't even really comprehend when they're afforded and getting what they want right by well-meaning adults who are trying to teach them the things that they think they're supposed to teach them in order to turn out to be a happy, successful person, right? So I love what you're talking about.
Speaker 2:And the other thing that you said that really resonated with me was, like this idea of practicing, because I think this has been huge in my life over the last couple of years, especially since 2021, when I did a course called Wisdom Unlimited, where it's like because I used to be someone who was very much like you've got to get it right, or like super, work hard until you figure something out and now I have this space to do what I call the practice in the art of living, like using these tools that I've gifted myself and trying them on and playing with them and remembering and forgetting that I have them and picking them up back up again. But it's that we were talking about it just before we I started to hit record. Like this idea of returning to, returning to my commitments, returning to because life is gonna happen and there's been a lot of life happening for me over the last couple of months and even like, no matter who we are right and how many tools we have, like we had moments where it's like, okay, could we just stop now, can we just hit pause on life for a brief moment? But that ability to kind of say okay, no, I get to say like, who am I committed to being, regardless of what other people are doing?
Speaker 2:Like what's the kind of romantic partner, friend, business partner like? Who do I wanna be in the midst of all of life happening and let's talk about the whole woo-woo bit for it, cause you know, there are gonna be people who listen to this show and there are people in my life you know, even my own children at times, like even my own romantic partner who, when I have conversations and I'm I consider myself a baby in the world of energy and for a long time I was like what are you? You know, I was one of those people who was like that is all woo-woo, I don't know what they're talking about. But you know, for someone who's new to this conversation around energy work, energy healing, you know what would you say to them that might give them access to engaging with this whole conversation in a way that you know would be an opening for them, I guess?
Speaker 3:Well, I would say the answers lie in quiet and stillness. And if you can reach quiet and stillness of heart and of mind, you are so very close to being able to hear wisdom that is beyond just the self. It's like tapping into a Wi-Fi signal that's always broadcasting and all you have to do is align with that frequency and listen unabashedly to that signal. And if you can do that, you and accept it and not judge it and leap, and well, when you're called, take action, take action. But if you can get to that place, beautiful and incredible things that you don't know now are going to happen. So your whole tool set, your skill set, all of that expands and becomes a revelation, a process of revelation as opposed to knowing in the moment. And we're so. I want it now, I want it now we're. So you know. Pick up the phone and you know. Ask any search engine what you want. It's there within milliseconds. We're used to that in our mindset.
Speaker 3:So if you can get to a place of quiet and stillness and await magic to happen, or await things to come to you and then trust whatever that is, and if you can discern your mind, because your mind is the busy rat that's running in that circle over and over and over and over, or the locomotive that's just plowing through and plowing through. If you can say, yeah, no, that's just my mind, kick it back, see, like, get over there, I don't listen to you, and then your emotions will start perching and popping up and they'll say, oh, but what about this? And you feel so sad and you feel so lonely and all the wrongs that have been happened to you and your victims and this, and that all these things are going to happen. And if you can sit with that and then just let it purge and there's ways that you can do that and then you get to this beautiful, peaceful stillness of the moment. And in that moment that's the magical place.
Speaker 3:That's where when I go and I do sessions and I teach and I even musically, when I'm performing, in that moment is where truth of the moment is revealed. And for everybody it's different, but for part of the work that I do, therein lies any and all of the skill sets and tools that I need is in that stillness and in that silence. And you've mentioned something beforehand about the waves crashing, whether it's a good wave or a bad wave, and part of me was like yeah, but if you could move beyond the waves and just go deeper, you're in stillness now and there is no need for wave.
Speaker 4:There is no wave at the bottom of the ocean.
Speaker 3:It's all stillness, even though the surface is where all the chaos or all the. You look at a calm surface, you go, oh, that's so beautiful. You look at a chaotic surface, you go, oh my gosh, it's crazy. But not beneath it, just a few feet beneath that. If you can go deeper into the layers of self and examine that, or swimming it a little bit, that's where the stillness lies and that's where I like to play.
Speaker 4:And you witness miracles too. So for me, one of my favorite memories is in the beginning of all of this is when Tom experienced spirit coming through him for the first time and he's not a trained medium, he never was and all of a sudden there was something happening with our daughter and he had this overwhelming rush. And now this is months into practicing meditation and all of the other things and he had this overwhelming rush of spirit come through and he naturally knew how to validate. He naturally knew how to discern who it was. And the message that came out of that still to this day is it's incredible, because the human in me wanted to be like oh, it's my great grandfather or my grandfather's story. So on my side his energy knew that it wasn't. He was like, no, no, it's Jaden's, it's on her dad's side.
Speaker 4:And that was incredible because he doesn't know who that man is. I know who that man is, I've had a very special relationship with him. And then the validation of the physical things that are in our physical experience. Spirit told him that he didn't even know about. So how could he, you know? So that's magic in the making that if he didn't listen and follow that still to this day, he won't call himself a medium or psychic or anything like this, because He'll say it, we all have it.
Speaker 3:It will do. For me. It was always. I kind of always wanted to chase. This was previous to the last four years, I mean when I was a young man in, you know, learning, adventure, recreation and getting certified, blah, blah, blah. I was always chasing profound experiences. You know, like I mentioned, the top of the mountain, I'm alive, right. Or I've just surfed with the sharks in the Pacific, I'm alive.
Speaker 3:You know, those moments that make you feel like, ah, this is existence, this is validation of life and some sort of connection. And you know, you can equate it to brain chemicals and the physical and emotions, and that's fine. You know those are byproducts, I believe, of something energetic and spiritual that's happening on the inside. And so when all these things happened, it's not that I didn't believe, but I just said you know, something's got to change in my life. And instead of having an analytical or logical perspective which is easy to acquire, which is easy, you know, our default mode that has been systematically pounded into us, kind of thing Instead of having that, I'm just going to say I'm going to be open to all of this non-judgmental and just see what happens. And that was it, that's all I wanted to see, and just by saying that and stating that and setting that intention in my mind and in my heart, it allowed for things that I didn't think were ever truly possible to me to occur.
Speaker 3:And so I think that one of the first things to do is to really let go of the things that you think you know. If you're new to this and you're like I want to see, I want to experience what's this all about? The things you think you know, sure, put that in a box over there temporarily and say, yeah, I know all that. I can always go back and pull out that book and say, look at this reference, look at this A plus I received. Put it back in the box. You know what's there, it's always there. But decide to go outside of it and just explore for the sake of exploring. You're not going to get hurt. Nothing's going to befall you. That's even unless you go in that direction. But if your heart's right and your intentions are, it doesn't happen that way, which gets into energetic armor here in a little bit. But if you allow the possibilities and you basically just on faith and I don't mean faith in a religious perspective, but just like I know there's more so let's open me up to see what happens.
Speaker 4:And just that's it.
Speaker 3:Start there. Listen, that's my advice to someone who's wants to know more about it.
Speaker 2:Well, I think that's you know I'm of the belief that you know the answers are boring and that the growth is in the inquiry Right, and the things that we know, like, really, you know, don't they got us to where we are today. They're not going to get us to the next, you know, whatever next level or next experience, but whatever it is and I, you know, I participated in some training years ago and one of the you know it was a course called a seminar, called causing the miraculous, and they define a miracle as an event that happens in time and space, like, so it's something that happens in everyone, to call it reality that causes an expansion in what we know to be possible. And part of that training was also was this idea that there are these things that we know and we know that we know them Right, like I know my name is Amber, I know that I'm on Zoom with Jeanette and Tom and I know that it's 917 am and I'm in Toronto. Like, I know those things and it's I'm not surprised, right.
Speaker 2:And there's also a whole world of things that I know, that I don't know, like quantum physics or how to fly an airplane, or and you know, but there's that those equal a very small amount of knowledge up against everything that's knowable in the universe. And one of the things that I've discovered so it really resonate with the both of you is that magic and miracles happen in the rest of that space, right? Because a miracle is something that causes an expansion in what I know to be possible, so it can't be something known to me. Yeah, and I want to. If I want to play in the space of magic and miracles, I have to be willing to give up Absolutely what I know, right?
Speaker 3:And and those things that you I started to interrupt those things that you don't know, that you don't know.
Speaker 2:Absolutely. That's the third part of that whole thing, right, the majority of it.
Speaker 3:Right, and there is like magic and miracles, you know, because Jeanette and I have witnessed miracles, we witnessed things that are just not possible and they've occurred.
Speaker 3:And you know yeah, with people that have healed themselves or I was part of a healing, you know and things that were not possible occurred and you know, science is starting and getting to a point where we're catching up to these things, which is really really nice, but for so long, for over a hundred years, you know, any type of this type of talk in a scientific or a measurable way of Regulated space.
Speaker 3:You were. You know. You were classified and put into a category of like. Okay, you're either evil witch or this is some voodoo who do wacky madness insanity. If you were of this substance and it's my belief that every single human being is of this substance then you were shunned or you know.
Speaker 3:Yes credit credit it in some situations you know you went missing those kind of things if we go to the fire, extreme conspiracy stuff. But you know. So just based on me and my life and all the things I know that if I can do these things then it's possible. Every single human being can. But it becomes a choice of the individual to decide if they want to open that door and then if they want to go through that. Right, you can lead a horse to water, but you can't. You know that kind of thing.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I think the first start, like awareness and the willingness right, I think, are the things that you're pointing to in this conversation.
Speaker 2:It's interesting we're talking about returning to.
Speaker 2:In a lot of ways, the kind of healing practices you're talking about are returning to something, are returning to ancient wisdom and knowledge that you know had been used for a long time, and then you know, progress happened, whatever that looks like or whatever that is, and then we got right about for something, right, I think in a lot of ways, human beings, you know, and we, I think we get into heading into some troubled waters when we get right about and then, and well, maybe not even the right right, but it's like being right about something.
Speaker 2:But when we make other things wrong, as a function of whatever it is that we believe or write about anything and you know, I was talking to my friend yesterday about everything that's going on in my world right now he's like, you know, cancer is just cancer, death is just that. You know, issues, challenges and relationships are just challenges and relationships. They're not wrong. We make them wrong, right, we have it like they shouldn't be, and then all of a sudden we're in an argument with life, but it's like right, that's a tough one to win.
Speaker 4:That's a tough one to win when you're fighting with life Woo.
Speaker 2:Yeah, it shouldn't be. It shouldn't be like this. It should be some other way. They should be some other way than they are. Right Versus like no. This is like what's emerging, what's happening, and who, who, who could I be about that, you know? Can I?
Speaker 4:Well, we, for the longest time we have held on to this like tangible rightness, so death right. So death is wrong, death is bad, death is we're going to lose that person. It's scary, it's whatever. But if we understood that we're still here after we die. Imagine we taught our children that. Imagine we changed that conversation, because it used to be like that. Ancestors, old, you know, cultures from around the world look at death that way.
Speaker 3:And I would expand on that like not only just imagine we could teach people, but imagine they could have that experience themselves, and then there's no more doubt, that's what happened to me. So much of my anxieties and stresses of trying to make this life work the way systematically I was supposed to status quo said I had to, all of that just went flushed away in one great big whoosh when I had these experiences that were beyond my normal and that validated certain things to me, and they're not things. Well, perhaps we're getting into the science of proving it now, but my experience is more valuable and validating to me than sometimes what is written on you know a peer reviewed study Exactly.
Speaker 3:I appreciate those things because they're great, tangible tools to use in this world to provide evidence. And you know, if I need surgery on my job I'm not going to go to a mechanic, right. So there's, people have their specifics and they're very good at those specific careers and jobs and skills and I appreciate those things. But that's just on this layer of the external and the material in the 3D and they have their purpose and they're great and a lot of it's just maintenance and some of it's just pure joy and feeling and emotion. All that's fine, but way deeper than that, or if you go into the 5D and into the beyond kind of thing, therein lies more truth and understanding for me than in this 3D world. I try to filter through that first before I look at the material as my most upper end.
Speaker 2:Yeah, well, I want to talk about 5D for a minute, because I don't really know what that is and I, you know, I stumbled upon it in your in preparing for the interview and I'm like we need to talk about that before we go there. Just in response to what you were saying, you know, one of the things that made the biggest difference for me, like in my journey with my mom and dealing with her mental well being, was, like you know, there's always like each of us has a map of the world in our mind and we see that and experience life through that map. Right, and various people have different opinions or points of view about the rightness or wrongness or something, or whether something's legitimate or valid or credible or any of that. And when dealing with her dissociative identity disorder, for me it was always like you know, because for a long time there was, and probably still are, some psychiatrists and doctors who don't believe in that diagnosis and you know, even though they have done some studies that show that there are minute changes in the pupils that you can't like fake when someone switches, alternates between personalities.
Speaker 2:But for me it was always like it's real for her. So it doesn't matter if it's like real or what other people think about it like for her in the experience, in the living of her life. That is, you know and I love this you were talking about drinking earlier, tom. You know I think we all dissociate and I got that from my mom, you know like maybe not dissociating to the level of creating different identities to be able to deal with trauma, but working too much, you know, drinking video games, like whatever we're doing to numb unpleasant or unwanted emotions or experiences. I think you know that is part of, I think that's part of the impact of living an inauthentic life Is that, in order to be able to survive a life where we're not aligned with self, we must numb in order to be able to deal with the damage that we do to ourselves when we're not aligned with who it is that we're truly meant to be Absolutely.
Speaker 3:I agree with that, and there's a collective mass numbing that's occurring in the billions on this planet.
Speaker 4:Yeah.
Speaker 3:Right. And so if you take every existential individual experience which, in my opinion, every single person is a light on Earth, here too, yes, to have their experiences and to have their own perspectives and to change the world and to learn and grow in their own perspective. But every single human being, if we all as a collective on Earth looked at everybody as a being of light, as a provider of healing and love and compassion and joy, then this planet will look very, very different. But instead it's the instant dissociation. Because that's all these things. I love my phone. Every two years I can update to a new phone, I get a new one because I love it. I'm a sound engineer, I'm a techie guy, love that stuff.
Speaker 3:But if you're not using it as a tool, you're right, you're using it as a way of disassociation. Same with the gaming and same with the alcohol. And someone would say, well, where does that end and where does it begin? Like, if you're just going outside and going for a hike, are you not disassociating? Or you're not putting yourself in a different environment to change your stimulus? So it's all based on perspective and, from my perspective, digging through all of these possibilities, underneath it there's these frequencies, like we know for a fact that the earth resonates at a six hertz frequencies. It's always just humming, doing its hum in its rotation or whatever you want to call it. It's always there. But are we going to, can we listen to it? First of all? And no, it's subsonic, right, but it's always there.
Speaker 3:And if we use that as the example of what are all the other things that are always there, then the need to disassociate and to like, distract and do something is a whole lot different than taking action on purpose For the reason of getting into those frequencies or getting into those fields to resonate and to see what happens when you're there.
Speaker 3:And that's my life, that's what I like to do and that's what I advise other people to do, is pass that stuff. The frequencies are still playing, they're still there as an undercurrent. Yeah, and religions and societies and tribes and cultures all get this in their own way, and it's all right. Although it might be in different language or in different symbolism, it's all still there. And someone asked me like what's your religion? And I'm like I don't have a religion, I'm kind of ominous. I believe is what the word is, where you see the truth in all of it, but not all of it's 100% right and there's various degrees of truth in all of it, and it's up to the individual to know what that is, but those frequencies are still there.
Speaker 4:And I feel like the base frequencies to all of these religions that we even have this day and age, that we recognize, are all of the same frequency. It's just that human has distorted it.
Speaker 3:Yeah, there's a lot of that.
Speaker 4:So the distortion, too, is part of that, and if we're to get into this 5D conversation right, like we live in the 3D right, I feel like the 5D for me. My understanding now is it goes back to this frequency, this space that you emit and you purposefully get into so that you can experience that stillness, that quietness, because there is where all of the wisdom and all of the everything that you ever needed is right there.
Speaker 3:And that's I like that. You said that because some people get really caught up in it. It's our human nature. It's slice up and categorize and then place an order and define the system and it all works logically. We get back to this analysis mode or this analytical mind, or this logical mind, and it's important to have that, because we needed to do things like drive the cars to fill up our gas when we're low into buy groceries. We need that as a tool, but it becomes this predominant factor of how we live our lives and that's a distraction from living your truest self, because you're obliged by doing these things.
Speaker 3:So that's the 3D world. In my world, it all trickles down into the 3D where you can see and feel and have experiences that are 3D, that are beautiful, that resonate in the field of the other dimensions. But what I'm saying is I don't get too caught up in what's 5D or what's 7D, what's 11D, what does all of this mean? It's just consciousness expansion. It's understanding where and how you are on purpose in this life and that there is more out there. Whether or not, 5d means that you're now beyond 4D, which is the imagination and manifesting and creating this life you want to live, and 5D is now speaking to spirit and connecting to beyond just that, and talking to spirit guides and talking to other dimensional beings and gaining wisdom and access from them. People have this categorized into very specific sections and they live religiously by and that's fine. But for me, when I do sessions and when I live my life, I don't need to get into analysis mode.
Speaker 3:I don't need to do that. I just need to go with the experience. And sometimes I have these profound experiences in meditation or with working people and I'll come out of it and I'll describe it and they're like, wow, you were in the 9D. And I'm like, okay, that's what makes sense to you.
Speaker 3:I was just having this experience and it was profound and beautiful and I'd like to share that with you. And I think that's way more important than trying to categorize, because it goes back to the what we don't know. There's so much we don't know that we don't know and we're trying so hard to sort it out, but you can't sort it all out all the time. You have to go through like not knowing it all. You have to, like you said, five minutes from now You're going to get a phone call. Five minutes from now, playing going to fall from the sky five minutes from now is a volcano going to erupt, so you're going to win the lottery.
Speaker 3:And some people look at that from a perspective of like oh, that's doomsday thinking. I'm like no, that makes this moment so precious, so beautiful. That frequency, that stillness is always there.
Speaker 2:I was trying to find some notes I took a while back, but there's a book that I read that I cannot remember for the life of me right now but I can always share it in the show notes or something like that. Just about these different epochs of learning. There was a period of time where systems of thinking and the way thought and so back in the day, in the classical period, it was all thinking and knowledge in relationship to trying to understand God and our relationship to God. Then we moved into this period where it was all about categorizing things. It's like let's go find out all the types of butterflies and we're going to pin them on a board and we're going to put them in a museum. We're going to understand the world and relate to knowledge and the world through this experience of categorization.
Speaker 2:We've moved into this and I don't know what happens beyond the current epoch of knowledge and learning that we're in right now but really is about progress.
Speaker 2:We've moved into this period and we're so trapped in it.
Speaker 2:One of the things that I'm really taking away as someone who's kind of prided themselves on practicing being with the waves of life, but to your point earlier about kind of getting into the calmness underneath the water, that perhaps that's an access to getting out of this trap of progress, because progress tells us that there's always somewhere that we need to get to or be where we are right now, there's nothing wrong with progress.
Speaker 2:When I look at as a sci-fi geek and someone who loves technology too, tom, I think about most people don't realize that they're literally when they walk around with their iPhone or their phone. They're walking around with that more advanced technology than got the first ships to the moon. That's the kind of like information, and especially as we move into AI now and all of the advantages and what's going to emerge in the world as a function of artificial intelligence, that progress is amazing. We live longer than we ever have before. But is all of that progress adding to the quality of my experience of living, or is so much of it causing me to be in this experience of oh, now's not it as if your life is going to begin sometime in the future?
Speaker 3:A lot of time.
Speaker 2:The planets line and you've got everything figured out, versus like no, I'm living my life right now. Yes, this is my life. What's my capacity to be with this moment?
Speaker 4:Yeah, absolutely. I love this trap of progress because I think there's another thing that's coming in our experience right now and that is when we're in this realm of remembering. There's something really beautiful, really profound about that. But then it's discerning and using the technology at the same time and allowing them to coexist, without allowing the power of the progress or the power of the accomplishment or of the I'm going to conquer energy, because this is how our worlds completely were decimated thousands of years ago. We as a society don't teach our children about ancient civilizations. This is now coming up in conversations now about Atlantis, and it was only a dream before. It was only a treasure hunt before. It's not.
Speaker 4:I say that with truth because it's a feeling, it's a remembering, and you don't have to believe it. But what if you did? How would that expand the way you experience living in this world with all of the technology we have now and with that same power of remembering this essence inside of you? That can quite literally lead your life to the most beautiful present experience that you could ever, and you could even experience beauty in all of the death or cancer or chaos, Even if you could just be still in that situation, in those situations in life? What would that experience be like for you? How is that progress? That's evolution, because you also said something about we live longer than we ever have. Actually, here's the other thing that we're forgetting, that we don't even realize, that we don't know, is that we're actually not. We're actually really killing ourselves. We actually aren't living long anymore. Do you know why? Because 90% of us don't know how to breathe properly.
Speaker 3:What does living look like?
Speaker 4:Like life extension. Life extension.
Speaker 3:But life extension does that mean you have tubes and you're on a bed in a hospital and you're being watched over for 25 to 50 years and they're prolonging life. Is that life? Yeah, it's quality of life. So, regardless of progress, it's my understanding that humans have always had the capacity to be human, regardless of technology's progress and the things that they've been able to material, manipulate for their own control or for their own system. So humans have always been magic. We've also had this ability to do and be incredible. All of these other things, including AI, is just a wonderful tool.
Speaker 3:When you talk about ancient civilizations that are no longer with us. They had ways of doing things that were super genius. Today, with all of the mechanical stuff that we have and the engineering feats, we still can't do the pyramids like they did the pyramids. We're still debating on how they actually did it, and they've come up with incredible systems that may or may not work and maybe took over century or more. So my point is, aside from all of these incredible accomplishments that humans have done as a collective, which are worthy and they're wonderful, and, if you choose to live a life according to that, that's great We've still been these beautiful light, being magic makers this entire time.
Speaker 3:What happened is that it got programmed out of us and we're not supposed to know that, because only the elite knew these things for a very long time.
Speaker 3:Only the elite are the people of high priests and high priestesses, and all they knew what this energy was that we're talking about.
Speaker 3:And they would manipulate that, but it would put them in a high status perspective and so the servants or the common folk would look up to the political leaders or to the priestess, etc. And they'd be like oh, of course you are of God because you can do all these incredible things, never thinking that, never knowing that they themselves were capable of doing it. So it's been programmed into us to look external for the answers, look out there to find the things that are going to validate our existences, and progress is just another example of that, even though it's fun and even though it's entertaining and even though it's allowing us to do things like put rovers on Mars and go into the molecular, to change the insides of humans, to get rid of their ailments and stuff. It's all wonderful stuff, but it's still out there and there's still a truth that is not taught in schools, is not part of our daily norm is that we are ourselves these walking living miracles and we are light bringers and we shine that light every second that we're here breathing.
Speaker 4:Because that was the James Nester. If you haven't read that book, breathe, it's a really big eye opener. It was really big for me, even being in the space of a birth duel and understanding my breath and doing breath work and all that type of thing, because I really, again, we can remember, remember, like this wisdom in us, but then, like Tom says, like we have the answers within us and it could be as simple as your breath.
Speaker 3:I'm going to tell you an intimate story about that intimate but a story that really is between Jeanette and I and our close friends and now everybody. I'm hoping I'm not putting you in the spot here.
Speaker 3:But when Jeanette was in labor for our son, taven, and she had been practicing breath work and doing all these things on her own as a doula, I remember we had a doula and they hook you up to this machine Jeanette would know what it's called but it shows your contractions and the higher this thing gets it shows the intensity of the contraction. And I was just sitting there being the dumb dad, not knowing, doing my best to support the level going. Oh my gosh, I'm going to have a child. My wife's going to pop open here Like what right, there's a lot of stuff I'm going through and trying to support her at the same time.
Speaker 3:So, anyways, our doula looked at Jeanette and she was like whoa, jeanette, did you even feel that? And she was like yeah, and the contraction thing went off the charts Like woo. So she was having a crazy contraction and I had no idea because she was just like breathing and in the moment and all that. So it just kind of showed me that breath work coming back to the self and regulating body and coming to that place of stillness. She was using it while she was in labor and having this crazy contraction. That would have been me.
Speaker 4:Do you have cold plunging?
Speaker 3:Well, cold plunging right. You can go into 30 degree Fahrenheit and I can hit 50 and I'm comfortable at 50 to hit mainly lower. So there's something to be said about breath work and there's something to be said about finding that space that is not material, that is not external, it's the space in you and if you can get there, anything can happen.
Speaker 2:That's where the magic is Well, we know that from so many different spaces as well. Right, the work that I do with people around, resilience, right, the way that the neurology of our minds work, our nervous system. Once we get hijacked, and it does not take much time, it's like really Everything does it go as we expected to go? And show me a day that goes the way you expected to go. We are in some kind of disruption, right, and so the quickest, fastest way to get your go back into your sympathetic nervous system is through breathing. And I really got for myself not too long ago, I probably have never consciously growth, whatever the word is been breathing consciously for most of my life, so I definitely will get a copy of that book, I think it's. You know this. So I'm a, I'm a flasher at heart, right? Yeah, I fell in love with philosophy and university after, you know, having left school to have my son, matthew.
Speaker 2:And I don't know if you're familiar with Plato's theory of knowledge, right, but Plato talks about, like the knowledge is recollection, right, and that all of us are born with all of the knowledge that exists in the universe, inside of us, and we, you know, according to his theory of life and death. We drink from the river of forgetfulness and we forget and we get born into this world. You know, with the how can you recall something that you didn't already know, right? So I think that's super beautiful. No-transcript. You know, this inquiry into what is truth, and I am at a place for myself where I'm very, you know, conscious of just saying this is my truth, like, not like the truth, right, but that that is, I think, one of the things that has really impacted humanity is like going back to this rightness and wrongness, right, like that I have some truth that you don't have, or that my truth is brighter than your truth, or you know, versus like.
Speaker 2:we see the way the world. You know, we experience, interact with, view the world the way that we do, based on each of our individual experiences, and that becomes the truth for us. And you know, my capacity as a leader to make a difference with other people for me is about my ability to you know, to build a bridge over to their map of the world or to their view of things, and engage with them and inquire with them. And you know it's not even about building a bridge so they can come back to my world, but it's like maybe we create another world together right From there right.
Speaker 2:Right and like discovering something newly together, which I've discovered so many amazing things in this conversation with the both of you this morning. So talk to me a little bit about what's coming up. You've got a number of amazing courses. I know that you make custom like armor or mallets and bracelets. I think you do lots of kind of workshops and stuff online. But talk to me a little bit about what's coming up for the two of you as we kind of wrap up 2023 and move into 2024.
Speaker 4:Mm Geez, where do we begin? I do have a new course coming out about Karmic Cleansing, so that's an exciting one that one is going to launch in December. What else do we have? We have what is wrapping up for 2023? I think that's really it that's coming out in 2023, but then 2024 is a whole other world.
Speaker 4:So our Energetic Foundations course we're going to revamp that. Not sure exactly what that looks like. We've been teaching it live for a while together, so it's the only course that we teach together and it's a 12 week course and we did it live last January. And so again 2024, again not sure what it's going to look like. But then also the world of retreats. Now that the world is opening up, we're so excited to start that. So we have one planned in PEI in February, and so that one is going to be at Nordic Spa and a nature retreat. So I'll be facilitating breath work and cold plunging. Tom's going to be doing energy work, that type of thing. We've partnered with another couple, so that's going to be very exciting to dip our toes into there in February. And then really that is the only plans we have, because we learn not to plan.
Speaker 3:Yeah, I second that, you know I spent so well.
Speaker 3:I spent a long time deciding how I wanted things to go and the more I got rid of that and listened and received direction as to how to act, it changed my productivity and my passion and productivity. Instead of trying to force or instead of, like you said, taking my truth whatever that is and trying to mold it and make it and then suppress it on other people, like that's not even a thing anymore. I spend more time listening and receiving instructions than I do creating and deciding. I'm going to do this. I'm just kind of I receive these gentle nudges that say, hey, you should do this, and that's the feeling and the understanding. It might not be a voice, it's just this understanding and I go okay, and then I have to bring it all back to the 3D and decide how I'm supposed to make that look, and I'm not really great at navigating this really well. But my gentle nudge recently has been to go back to music and to go back to performing and bring people in to that realm.
Speaker 3:And I have albums worth of songs that I've written that I shared mostly with just Jeanette, and they were all based on just emotional experiences that I wanted to sort of purge, and each song is a purge and I was never at a place where I was comfortable putting that out to other people for judgment or for speculation, because I didn't like that. But being an energetic person and seeing it now, I see those as little slices of my time and that perhaps there's a message in this song for one person out there who needs to hear that. And then they can look at me and the trials and tribulations of my life and my story or whatever and say, wow, he got through it and he got through it this way. Well, maybe I should just try letting go and purging my emotions and those things that I thought were serving me and they're not, and listening to my heart and seeing wherever that's supposed to take me next.
Speaker 4:I think authenticity is a really big theme this year. I feel it collectively. I think a lot of people are also sharing that same sentiment. And another thing I forgot to mention that I was. It actually came to me this morning.
Speaker 4:So this is really, really funny because so, being a birth doula right, I have been told for at least the last year that I need to come up with a course like put that out there. And I could never really, and so I've been humming around knowing what elements of cause my birth course is gonna look very different than anything that's out there. There's nothing like it that I have found yet. So it's funny because this morning I woke up and I came downstairs at home and I was like you know that moment when you're just waking up and you aren't quite conscious yet, but there's thoughts that are coming through, that's also a little magic spot. And I came downstairs and I was like I know what I'm gonna do now for my birth course and it just like boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop. And I was like, okay, so that's gonna come out in 2024 or two. But again.
Speaker 4:I know. So it's the authenticity part. So, again, it was really difficult for me to be a birth doula in somebody's space, but I know that I can serve women and help them empower themselves in that space of bringing another soul into the world, you know, and anyway, so that's coming out too.
Speaker 2:Well, I just really wanna take a moment and acknowledge you both for, you know, for being human beings that are out there living and created lives, and continually, you know, looking at like, not just like what are the results that you wanna have? Like, what do you wanna create in the world, what's the impact that you wanna have and how do you wanna have it? But like, what's that? You know. I know you've made a couple of moves, I know you've like relocated in the last couple of years I know that was pretty intense for my conversations with you, jeanette but, like, constantly in the inquiry of like, not just like what do I wanna create, but how do I wanna experience creating it. And I think that's huge.
Speaker 2:And I just wanna acknowledge you for your leadership and the commitment that you are for people and really the congruence right, you're a demonstration of it. You live it in your life day in and day out. And I think, when we talk about authenticity, which is like newly become one of my most important values, that's the key, right. That's what really resonates with people when there's that congruence and that they can see leaders demonstrating in their own life. It doesn't have to look perfect, right, but they can see leaders demonstrating in their own life that they're doing the work themselves, and their life is impacted as a result of that. So thank you so much. For anyone listening to the show, you'll be able to find out how to connect with Jeanette and Tom in the show notes and just from my heart. Jeanette, I adore you. It's always incredible to be with you, and now I understand all of the lovely things that you said about Tom over the years. Tom, it's such a pleasure to be with you.
Speaker 3:Thank you so much.
Speaker 2:Thank you for coming on the show today. Thank you.
Speaker 3:I really appreciate it. Thank you so much, it's been a pleasure.
Speaker 2:All right, everyone. Thanks so much for listening. As you may have noticed if you follow me on social media, I have lined up guests all the way into March, so the show will be coming out every week now and you will be hearing from this conversation very soon and I just love you so much. Thanks for joining us.
Speaker 1:Thank you so much for joining us for this week's episode. For more information on the show and our extraordinary guests, check out ConversationsThatMatter podcastcom.